I'm Bilbo
Hey my name’s Bilbo Baggins aka Bilbo.
I’m a gypsy cob and I have only been part of the Gul team since June 2023. When I arrived I was a little scared of new people and new situations, but I’ve settled now and I think I’m one of the favourites with the staff and children (even though they say they don’t have favourites!)
One of my favourite things to do is spend time with Betty, she’s my best friend now. Even more than that I LOVE eating - it’s the best thing, but sometimes I do it when I’m not meant to - oops!
I don’t like people grooming me really hard and being rough, especially on my tummy, as it hurts and makes me sad. But I love being groomed if you groom me nicely!
A little more information about me; apparently I’m about 12.2hh whatever that means, I’m a black pony with 3 white stockings, I also have really fluffy legs which the guys spend hours grooming (I don’t know why as they never look any different!)
Please sponsor me so they can buy me more food - I love food!
By sponsoring our ponies you are helping to provide for their care, feed, medicine and equipment. When you add it all up this comes to over £1400 per year or £26 per week so when we say your support helps, we really mean it.
In return for your sponsorship, you will recieve a certificate (by email or if you live locally a printed copy, a photograph and a letter from your friend.
Thank you so much for considering sponsoring.