I'm Caleb
Hey my name is Yarty Step in Style aka Caleb
I’m a Welsh section C and I came to Gul when I was just 1. I was very nervous and scared of people at first, but now I love people - maybe a little too much sometimes. Apparently my awareness of personal space isn’t very good, but why wouldn’t you want me on top of you? I just want a cuddle!
I have a few health issues and sometimes struggle to remember where my legs are (it’s quite hard, I do have four, it would be easier if I had 2 like you guys).
I do some riding lessons but my job is mainly ground work sessions and I love going for walks. Best of all I love having a splash in the river.
I also love breaking out of my field with my best friends Jack and Piper. Apparently it’s naughty but we think it’s great fun - especially when they are trying to catch us, it’s a great game!
A little more information about me; I’m 13.3hh (I’m not sure what that means). I am a dark bay pony (I think that means I’m brown, I definitely am when I’ve had a good roll In the mud - I love rolling!)
Please sponsor me so they can buy better fencing units - but I will probably still get out!
By sponsoring our ponies you are helping to provide for their care, feed, medicine and equipment. When you add it all up this comes to over £1400 per year or £26 per week so when we say your support helps, we really mean it.
In return for your sponsorship, you will recieve a certificate (by email or if you live locally a printed copy, a photograph and a letter from your friend.
Thank you so much for considering sponsoring.