I'm Piper
Hey my name is Yarty Pipe Dream AKA Piper.
I’m a Welsh section C and I’ve lived at Gul since I was a youngster, I came from Wales where there are a lot of sheep!
I like hanging out with my friends Jack and Caleb, our favourite thing to do is break out of our field to look for more grass!
I’m not very keen on little, unbalanced riders - I think that’s because I’ve only got little legs myself.
I love doing the teenagers’ riding lessons, they are great fun but, wow, they make me tired. (Not so tired that I can’t break out again!)
I love climbing up the mounting block but I still haven’t had a ride and I wait so nicely, I don’t get it…..
A little more information about me; I’m around 12.2hh not sure if that means I’m short or round or maybe both, I’m a liver chestnut with 4 white stockings.
Please sponsor me and then maybe they can build better fences to keep me in.
By sponsoring our ponies you are helping to provide for their care, feed, medicine and equipment. When you add it all up this comes to over £1400 per year or £26 per week so when we say your support helps, we really mean it.
In return for your sponsorship, you will recieve a certificate (by email or if you live locally a printed copy, a photograph and a letter from your friend.
Thank you so much for considering sponsoring.