Working with Gul

Parents, Carers and Family Members
Support your loved ones with therapeutic services, one off activities and events

I cannot express my gratitude and thanks enough to you all. The boys started riding when they were 3 1/2 and they will be 14 in September! The regular riding sessions kept their hip flexes mobile, improved their core, and were a great joy for them. We have had our ups and downs, and it has been so wonderful to have GUL as our constant support.
Being able to ride whilst in a cast and continue to do outdoor activities when G was struggling with his eating disorder really helped.
Whilst being physical therapy for the boys, GUL was a huge emotional support for me as a parent too, thank you.
I am a foster carer and would like to Thank Gul for their input and support with our 2 foster children
Our youngest placement spent about 12 months undertaking activities, he enjoyed the horse riding but it was not really his thing he preferred doing the woods sessions, activity trail, fires and just being able to be free, Stuart was a great ambassador for GUL. He still loves his scouting and outdoor activities
Our eldest has always been animal focussed and the equine therapy was the absolute best for her, it was the highlight of the school week (and summer holiday with pony camp. Sue making her feel very welcome ). I think her favourite Horse was Fluffy
She has continued to develop and progress, and has finished her year 11 schooling, where one of her course subjects was animal welfare and she achieved higher school grades than anticipated. She has now decided to go to college and study a level 2 animal management course but wants to focus on Equine studies.
I/we have no doubt that the positive experience(s) our eldest had with GUL has had a massive impact on her career and post-school education direction.
Once again thank you to the team at GUL